I'm drunk. mk's garage is full of beer. Take this with a grain of salt.But they are, as ever, praising him for the wrong thing. He did nearly as much to drive a wedge into the political spectrum as his opposite numbers on Fox News did. From personal experience, he destroyed the open-mindedness and critical thinking skills of an entire generation of liberals. Some hyperbole, sadly not enough.
I don't agree. I don't watch FOX or MSNBC, but when I can I will watch the Daily Show, which admittedly is about once a month. Still, I enjoy watching it. I've seen him be a pretty equal opportunity employer of comedy. He gives shit to both sides, don't you think? What the idiots that receive his comedy do with it is beyond his control.
Equally? I've gotten this from a lot of different people. I'm not sure how it's possible to believe it; I expected counterpoints but not this particular idea. I mean, even if you disagree with my previous comments, we can all agree that Stewart is a liberal and his show is left-leaning. I thought.He gives shit to both sides, don't you think?
He has made a living of pointing out the absurd. Are both sides equally absurd? As for him giving the Dems shit, this was a particular favourite.