It would make it a lot easier to community tag #spam if there was a button on the various lists of posts (global, feed, etc.), preferably right next to the current "hide · save · stick" especially as the spam-bots have switched from TinyURL to other URL shorteners including and
Hmm. I think having to actually go into the comments section to tag something as spam has a few benefits. By creating a slight barrier to make posts as such, it helps to prevent abuse. At the same time, it also keeps someone from accidentally mislabeling a post as spam because if they go into the comments section or the poster's profile, they may see that the person just made a lame post. Personally, I think a good alternative would be that someone wouldn't be able to post until they fill a certain percentage of their hub wheel by being a thoughtful, positive contributing commentor. Not only will this prevent a large number of spam accounts, but also discourage trollish behavior.
Overall, I like this idea, but I feel like it would have disparate impact on well-meaning dumb people, people with a weak grasp of english, and probably some other well-meaning people I'm not immediately thinking of. Maybe a timeout on the post restriction could fix that problem, but the other issue that might arise from this would be comment spamming.
The problem here is it's difficult to implement, you can blacklist domains but there's so many URL forwarders out there you'll never be able to block them all. It's also trivial to create your own using free services such as Github pages. One solution could be to check URLs when they are submitted, see if they lead to a redirect as that may indicate a shortener service, though there's so many legitimate uses that this too falls short. Hubski doesn't even use captchas at sign up, that small measure could help reduce some of the bulk automated spamming.
Sorry. Now I'm spamming you! Nice theme, BTW! @rob50c@ forwardslash Can we look into detecting html in comments and preventing them from being posted?
Also, it would be nice to have a "nuke" button that gets rid of the user and every comment they've made. Right now it's pretty labor intensive for me to delete all that.
Agreed. Plus transparency for all this. Someone's gotta watch the watchmen.
Sure. That said, I'd be okay with an auto delete of html spam posts somehow.
Also, remind me to make you a new tshirt for longest spam recipient ever.
Oh dear Lord. I'm driving or I would try to save the day thenewgreen spam see parent