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comment by steve
steve  ·  4671 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: Moral Dilemma--Free Speech vs. Racism
so... I haven't finished yet, but the first paragraph has me chomping at the bit to comment. He's a real peach. He's angry and has something to say:

"Yup – pissed off mobs of black youth that have been indoctrinated by liberals into thinking they are victims and thus entitled to simply take what was stolen from them by whites. Welcome to Obama’s America. "

Maybe I'm wrong - but President Obama has been in office for.... three years or so? and it's all his fault that some angry people have taken to the streets? oh boy... anyhow, clearly this is an inflammatory article written for the purpose of whipping up other "right-wingers" to be angry too. It is embarrassing. For what it's worth, he's still "only" an associate professor. And as long as he keeps pumping this kind of venom into the world, he may only ever be an associate professor. Do I think it's appropriate for a university representative say these things? Nope - not for a second. In fact, if his department chair isn't careful, this could backlash on the department or school.

I agree - this is a tough issue for me. I think Free Speech is of paramount importance. But as a University with a quite multi-cultural student body, I would expect a little (ok - a lot) more tact and discernment when it comes to any public statement or publication. In the end, this kind of thing only hurts. It hurts people of color. It hurts "right-wingers" because the just get dumber and dumber by regurgitating this kind of slurry. And it could end up hurting the University when word gets out the bigots are given position to preach hate. Kids of all colors will vote with their dollars and go somewhere else for higher education.

How you ever found this article is beyond me... :-) I'm surprised it came up in the first five pages of a search.

b_b  ·  4671 days ago  ·  link  ·  
And that bs about Obama's America??? Crime has fallen recently, as it has been steadily since the early 90s (except for a few minor fluctuations upward from year to year in some places). The implication seems to be that now that we have a black president, he has granted all blacks to rise up against their white overlords. Say this type of shit at your Klan meeting under a pseudonym, not in a public forum under your own name that you use to publish academic papers.
b_b  ·  4671 days ago  ·  link  ·  
    How you ever found this article is beyond me... :-) I'm surprised it came up in the first five pages of a search.

I searched Google with "crime statistics detroit race". It is the first result; I'm surprised, too.

mk  ·  4671 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Yep, first article for me too.