At this point it has just been about three weeks since we've heard from Difference and as such, I will attempt my best to run #animeclub in his absence.
Anyways, referencing this post:
It seems we have a tie between Psycho-Pass and Shinsekai Yori. As such, I have created a poll for us to vote for which anime we want to watch, here: I know many of us have busy schedules and may not be able to watch a show as fast as others. Because of that I'd like input on how much time you have to watch anime within a week, and approximately how long you think you take to finish a show of 12 episodes. From this information I'd like to create a day on which we can discus the show, and if you guys are willing, I could create a schedule in which we discuss the show on specific days with us at: half-point/quarter/episode/every n episodes/etc.
I know I'm asking a lot, but to wrap this up, I'd also like your thoughts for how we should run our discussions; in this case mainly how we should set up the post for the discussion. I think if I asked anymore about rules/regulations it would be too time consuming to do on a habitual basis as a hobby for all of us here.
Last but not least, if Difference is still around and willing, I'd gladly surrender the main honcho position back to him. After all, why wouldn't you want to be the conductor of the train you built.
arguewithatree and I have spent the last few weeks watching Hunter X Hunter Don't spend a few weeks watching Hunter x Hunter. It's terrible and sucks you in regardless.
When I first watched it I thought I had more episodes left when I got to the end so I was very shell shocked by the sudden end
I definitely think that's for the best; it just caught me off guard because I thought the anime included the Dark Continent arc. Meriadoc and i have been trying to figure out how you build such an elaborate world. It's massive and awesome. My biggest criticism though is the lack of female characters. Nothing would change if either Gon or Killua was a girl. And a lot of the female characters suffer from being the same basic shell with different hair. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have a few issues with the more periodic discussions. If someone has already watched the series we are watching they may have a harder time having a discussion because they have to make sure they don't give any info on later parts of the season. Another issue I have with that set-up is if the theme of the anime is something that needs the entire seasons completion, discussion may be difficult because again we don't have the full picture. I'm just a bit skeptical of having smaller discussion which may in turn weaken the content of the discussions.
Well, we still get that stronger discussion at the end once the whole thing is complete, but we also get to discuss how things progress to that point and possibly pick on some smaller details throughout that would get lost in one big discussion. I also voted for Shinsekai Yori, but Psycho-Pass is actually a good example of a show that frequent discussion could be meaningful for. There's a lot of stuff that happens that makes you think about that society and the pros and cons of something like Sybil, but they're not totally relevant to the overarching plot so they tend to get missed in discussions. And I guess rather than making another comment, I'll say that averaging around an episode a day is probably a decent pace. Like, if we discussed 6-7 episodes once a week it would take us two weeks to finish a 13 episode series and we'd have a decent amount to discuss at each point. Conveniently, 6-7 episodes in is frequently some sort of turning point in a show so something exciting will probably lie around those episodes.
If the discussion at the end is stronger why bother having the other discussions then? Even if we were to discuss smaller details you run the risk of discussing the details out of context without the completion of the entire series. The other thing is especially from that poll there are only four or five people that voted, and it is unsure whether those people will even discuss at all. I don't think this needs to be that complex of an endeavor when we only have a very small group of people watching, and probably less discussing to that depth.
Does every detail need to be in full context? That seems silly since it implies that you can't judge a show until you finish the whole thing, and you can't talk about what happened until you see what's going to happen. Just because the discussion at the end is stronger doesn't mean the others are meaningless. If I'm watching a show with someone each week, I'll frequently talk about every single episode with them, not just bottle the whole thing up till the end. And I'm not saying it needs to be complex. A discussion thread once a week is probably less complex for the participants than trying to discuss everything about a show after a month with no reminders or pacing. If there were two of us I would still say lumping everything into one thread weeks later is a bad idea.