Last week I started this book and its... ok. It's a scifi book written from the perspective of a journalist by a lit major. So the science is mostly wrong. I just hit part two which changed the situation entirely so I guess I'll stick it out.
I'm also still reading 2312 like I have been for weeks.
I'm reading Slanted and Enchanted - The Evolution of Indie Culture. Great read and kind of disheartening that nothing has really changed that much since the 80s."As zine writer and musician Aaron Cometbus put it in the zine Slingshot in 1988, "His hard work provided the radio show we could all listen to while doing the dishes, the magazine we could be bored by, the club we could stand outside, the place to mail-order our shitty fanzines, the record label to put out our shitty local bands, and the record store where we could play free pool and use the bathroom . . . it was the scenery and soundtrack for our community and the framework for keeping that community alive and self-sufficient."
I've never read anything by Brandon Sanderson, so I thought I'd give Warbreaker a try. Very enjoyable fantasy so far!
Still reading "World War Z", by Max Brooks. Better than I expected it to be, which is always a nice surprise.
After seeing The End of the Tour in theaters, I decided to pick up David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest. So far it seems a little all over the place. I feel like I should be getting more out of it than I am, but the writing itself is at least entertaining enough to keep me going so far.
I read The Sorrow of War by Bao Ninh. Can't recommend it enough. Sorta like the Vietnamese version of The Things They Carried - abstract, heartbreaking, etc. Started reading the Pancatantra which is a fascinating collection of Indian folk-tales that's over 2000 years old. Looking forward to it.
About to start The Challenger Sale as per thenewgreen's recommendation. Go go gadget people powers!
I am awaiting a copy of The Boys on the Bus in the mail, a book which has eluded me at every used book store for three years. Got fed up and used