To add: If you send me an email and I respond to it on the site, I'm done. I've completed my experience. I've crossed it off the list. If Hubski has memory left hanging out because I didn't know that I need to click on the wheel and click "dismiss" in order to make your site run better (hubski), then I think it's safe to say your UI is biting you in the ass. Especially as - you know what? - I'm tempted to leave that sucker teal just because teal is a less ugly color than grey and since you insist on me staring at a grey meatball whenever you use the site, I'm a gonna take matters into my own hands. How you like them apples?
Since we're talking about the emails here... I'd love it if the emails had a link to the parent and/or top level of the comment being emailed rather than just allowing for a reply. It really only saves one click but it just feels like those emails don't match with other ui elements on the site.