I always found the Camus quote interesting, particularly the underlying assumption which seems to be that no one will accept your true self and you will be obliged to lie.
It doesn't sound plausible to me, because two of the three are liars but only the last is a successful liar. The wrong way to tell a lie is to make up a story and tell it, because then you provide more detail when lying than when telling the truth, and you both have a lot of detail to trip yourself up with and attract scrutiny by making your lies memorable stories. The right way to tell a lie is to say as little as possible. If you're usually forthcoming, though, you have to say enough to not attract scrutiny by being evasive. If you're evasive even when you're telling the truth, then you can say as little as you need.
Tell us about your experience with living a double life. You seem knowledgeable! Of course, you can be fictional. I would believe you though, even if it were a lie. I would believe you the way I believe all the self-presentations people project onto the hubskiverse.
I have no interesting stories about lying, just a fascination left over from wanting to be a magician when I was a child. I mostly tell the boring lies that you tell when you're from the south, are neither religious nor socially conservative, and don't like conflict.