"The typical American spends about 34 hours per week — nearly five hours per day — watching TV" What?! Is this real? Does anybody have a source behind that? Holy hell that's a lot of tv
I bet I don't watch 5 hours of TV a month. I don't have anything against TV but between work and family there are other things I'd rather do with my limited time. The only thing that gets me to ignore my wife, kid, web and chores for the TV is an occasional exciting boxing matchup.
I'm the same way. It's not worth paying for anyways, so I guess it's a lot easier to avoid when the temptation isn't there. Last night my family muted the football game and played charades. Most fun I've had in a while.
yeap. may be on the low end http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/average-american-watches-5-hours-tv-day-article-1.1711954
Unreal. The bls survey seems a bit more realistic, the daily news one looks to be exaggerated. I can't imagine a tv becoming such a large part of my life.