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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  3242 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I tell my son rock history instead of bedtime stories.

This is awesome! I have been telling my daughter bedtime stories about my favorite films and I incorporate her and her brother and mom. For example, she knows all about the Star Wars films and is convinced that my grandfather is the most powerful Jedi that ever lived. He trained Yoda and is the only person in history to ever wield a white light saber. Every night there is a new story about how some kids get in trouble and Luke, Obi Wan, myself and her mom come to their rescue.

I bought her a little suitcase record player for Christmas. I will start having her pick a record and then tell her "their story" after listening.

What a great idea yellowoftops, thank you!