Maybe, if you are in the same time zone. My 2:00 a.m. is your 11:00 p.m. -- or is it the other way around. Where am I? If it matters now, it won't in a year or two... ride the wave, dude.
If it's a job where one can reasonably assume that applicants are going to be coming from multiple time zones it's a non-issue. But here, let me emphasize something: All this shit falls to the wayside quickly. The tricky part about hiring is that you've got to get past the gatekeeper who doesn't want to deal with your ass and who is looking for any excuse to shitcan your attempt to complicate her life. As soon as you actually have the person you'd be working for on the line, it's much less about kabuki bullshit and much more about your skills and affinity.
I think at that point it's safe to say no one's going to notice / care and time zones absolve all. Just don't call the west coast at 9am EST. We aren't awake yet.