What is "the primer"
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I'm not saying the poster is a bot and I'm not saying they're not. That said though, you know what's interesting? I kind of wrote the user off as a non-native English speaker. Never once did the concept of "bot" pop into my mind until I looked back at your comments and their posts. The similarities are there though. The poster is using a limited vocabulary with simplified and flawed sentence structures. They also have an apparent difficulty to grasp what other users are trying to communicate. I'd say the only thing that doesn't make me think they're a bot is the fact that there is significant time lapse between when someone interacts with them and when they respond. It's weird though, how far bots are coming. Maybe someone needs to make a real Voight-Kampff test, for our safety. That said, OP, if you're not a bot, welcome. It's nice to meet ya.
There is also what seems to be a penchant for antagonism. Hell, it's in the username. My guess is that it's either a bot or a very young person trying to exert a sense of authority and control. Both are annoying but one I can empathize with. I too was once a young, cocky kid that would choose that kind of username.
The username is not to show authority, it is simply the username I use, anyways how does the name final boss show authority, the final boss usually gets his ass kicked at the end.
Self appointed names matter, but actions matter more. Actions on Hubski are largely measured by the posts and comments you make. I look forward to reading yours. Be well!
I'm wearing a suit, on a plane right now about to go sell financial software. 15 year old me would kick my own ass and call me a sellout :-)