By the way, fans of writing instruments: I wholeheartedly recommend Palomino Blackwings, the closest rendition of the Eberhard Faber Blackwing 602 you can buy. I've never tried a real Blackwing, but I've been through 2 boxes of Palominos. My writer friends who have received them from me still tell me from time to time that they're the best pencils they've ever used.
You just sent me into a pencil fetish wormhole. I used to really like the Mirado Black Warrior but last time I picked a pack up they didn't seem as good as they used to be. Thanks to the wormhole I realize that's probably because they aren't as good as they used to be. People say the same about the Ticonderoga. I never liked Triconderogas near as much as the Black Warriors. My wife came in and found me browsing She laughed at me and said maybe I can splurge for a pack of Palomino Blackwings with our tax return.