What I'm saying is that libraries aren't just about books. They are social condensers. They are real public spaces that people use to come together, have meetings, display art, read magazines, work, and teach their children about the societal role that public access to knowledge plays. There's all kinds at the library. I was in the Seattle Public Library a few years back, (I used to walk past it everyday from work) and I would occasionally stop in. Every now and then I would see some weird guy surfing porn in the computer zone, with like 100 other people around doing homework and shit. It was weird, but there was something pretty goddamned beautiful about it. But speaking of books. This whole publishing crisis has, I think, made the book a helluva lot more versatile. Self publishing is growing and the book is getting stronger than ever. They're kind of the new craft beer. Sure, libraries are going to change - and it's going to be a real challenge to keep them valid. But again - the book is way more resilient than people think.