Yeah... I don't know anything about this world. I can't imagine what it must be like to live somewhere with actual violence going on. Does this kid have enemies? Is he in a gang?
I think you have to assume that he has enemies. I don't know what his gang status is. There was a guy with gang tattoo's watching the whole thing from afar an hour or so after the shooting. He had flashy jewelry on and expensive glasses. He was a White guy. Don't know if he was watching the kid to see if he was all right or seeing if the kid was dead. You don't hear much about White gangs in this town except the older motorcycle clubs. Hell if I really know. The kid was talking to the police, which is something you wouldn't expect a gang member to do. The violence doesn't really touch me or many other law abiding Whites, it's not something that really worries me. There are a few muggings but that's about it.