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comment by War
War  ·  3269 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Bernie Sanders Already Won

I agree that the Republican party is definitely headed towards a schism, but I'm just curious what that looks like? Being 21 I don't have all the knowledge historically on where Republicans have been. Do you see it being a reversion to older principles of the Republican party or something different?

goobster  ·  3268 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My first "Obama moment" was Ross Perot. He was a rich guy that got fed up with politics as usual, and decided to run completely unaffiliated. His big thing was energy policy, and getting us off foreign oil. This was back in 1992, before you were born.

But, it turns out he was an indignant little dick, who couldn't take criticism. He got all huffy and just scooped up all his marbles and went home suddenly.

It was the first time - before Obama - that I felt there was actually hope for the Government. That it might get wrested from the grasp of the corporations that use Government as the hand-crank on their own personal money printing machines.

There were brief glimpses of happiness when Bill Clinton co-opted a couple of interesting Republican programs, and then got them passed. That led to the big dotcom boom.

Then there was excitement and hope that Obama would lead us to a new kind of government. But - as is always the case - people vote for Democratic Presidents, and Republican Legislators and Senators.

Because when it comes right down to it, we all want to believe in a bigger, more fluffy and embracing American Dream kind of world, so we vote Democrats into the White House. But then when it comes to raising taxes to pay for the roads and the infrastructure and transit systems, we balk at adding $26/year to our house taxes, and vote for Republicans locally, who promise not to raise our taxes.

So we, being voters, are stupid, basically.

kleinbl00  ·  3268 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think it looks like this.

I think it looks like this.

I think it looks like this.

I think it looks like this.

I think in the modern American political system, it looks like someone spoiling over sour grapes and the aftermath being a coalescing of that 3rd party's values in one or the other party.

If we're taking bets, my bet is that the Republicans run Bloomberg in 2020, despite the fact that he doesn't speak dog-whistle. This will upset what's left of the open-carry get-a-job-morans tea party brownshirts, who might just turn Trump into their Lyndon LaRouche.

This is why we were extraordinarily lucky that Bernie Sanders ran on the Democratic ticket to shape the mainstream narrative, rather than running on a 3rd party ticket to draw voters away from the democratic ticket. I'd love to live in a non-2-party system, but I don't think we'll get there by fracturing. Yet every party needs to try it on for size about every twelve years. We're well overdue.

user-inactivated  ·  3268 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Man. Imagine if Clinton and Cruz got their respective party's nominations, then as a big middle finger to everyone Sanders and Trump ran as independents. It'd be a four way free for all rage in the cage pay-per-view election special.

goobster  ·  3268 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I actually, truly, laughed out loud at this!

Heck... maybe it's what we need to get more than 23% of Americans to vote...

user-inactivated  ·  3268 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Man, if you thought the results of Bush/Gore was contentious, imagine when all four of those guys file simultaneous lawsuits to become president.

kleinbl00  ·  3265 days ago  ·  link  ·  

...with only eight justices on the Supreme Court.

Fuckin' Paul Ryan would end up president.