I was surprised that he signed the pledge in the first place.
There was another story on NPR this morning about trump and innuendo - but I only caught a bit. I need to go find it and listen. His emotional appeal is crazy. I spent an hour listening to a relative espouse Trump's virtues. It is exhausting. "Steve - you don't think you are, but I'm telling you that you're a trump supporter. You just don't realize it. He's saying all the same things you are." I really doubt that... But I think his rhetoric is super malleable and people choose to think that he is saying what they believe.
Crazy times we live in, one reality star candidate and they are all talking shit on twitter.
https://twitter.com/zbyronwolf/status/714986877858619393 I'm pretty sure Anderson Cooper had more patience for Violentacrez.
The only way he looses now is a split convention with the party establishment choosing someone more favorable to establishment interests. At that point why should he support the chosen nominee? Trump was never really committed to supporting the chosen candidate and only said that when he was strong armed into it so I'm not at all surprised here it's not really much of a change for him. Anyway a split ticket on the republican side could open the opportunity for sanders to run as an independent. I don't think he would but he could use it as means to setup a democratic socialist party. Even if he doesn't win he will get enough money and votes to establish a viable 3rd party.