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comment by rezzeJ
rezzeJ  ·  3279 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 30, 2016

The album I've been writing with my friend is not far from being ready for recording. I'm quite happy with how it's turning out. We both have quite different styles and you can definitely tell which song originated from who, but I think it works. I'll have to start putting some thought into how to record it next. It's an acoustic duo with vocals so nothing out of my comfort zone. I wont live record as I only have a matched pair of small-diaphragm condenser mics. I'll multi-track it so I can get the nicest recording of each guitar and vocals. l'll probably get some DI on the guitars too.

My electronic music writing has been on slump. I took on a piece of client work which was quite out of preference/comfort zone and it burnt me out. It doesn't help that the client's have been extremely bad communicators. It went through three rounds of feedback and has been a month since I sent the last version. I still haven't heard back if they like the final product . At least I've been paid... I hope it's gone okay as they are my main (read: only) client and have been a reasonably reliable work source.

To combat said slump I've been doubling down on the learning side of thing. I'm currently taking a Reaktor course over on Kadenze and looking to take another specialising in building out music from minimal loop based materials next. I also just bought Komplete Ultimate 10. It's unbelievable how many products is in that bundle. I got it for £539 with a piece of £250 hardware. I don't want the hardware though so I'm going sell that. That makes it an amazing deal as it's usually £700-800. Though boxed version was out of stock so it's about 320GB to download it all. I don't think I'll be doing that in one go.

What also doesn't help on the electronic side of things is Apple screwing over the Macbook and iMac products. I love Logic pro but I've got running on a now 6/7 year old Macbook pro. Apple's products were always expensive but they used to always feel worth it. Now they don't. Stingy specs, lacking ports, etc. Hey, at least I've heard the new Macbooks are going to be even thinner!!! Wow, the feature every pro consumer has been pining over. I can't justify getting a new Mac now just for Logic.

My adventures in Windows DAWs has not been so great. Logic filled the perfect middle ground between recording/mixing and electronic music production capability. Nothing I have tested yet has been as good in that regard. I'm looking into Cubase 8.5 next and also giving Reaper another chance. We'll see I guess. Maybe I should look into Hackintosh.

steve  ·  3279 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I hope you'll share here when it comes out.

rezzeJ  ·  3279 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Definitely. It'll be one of the first places I do. I'm planning on posting some of the lyrics up soon to pre-empt it.

steve  ·  3279 days ago  ·  link  ·  

nice! build the hype...