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comment by iammyownrushmore
iammyownrushmore  ·  3099 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: [Annotated] Why Cities Aren’t Ready for the Driverless Car

Yeah, your criticisms are dead on, but you'll probably be authoring the next generation of these articles soon, so just set the bar higher :)


    If in a particular city it is customary for trucks to double-park while making deliveries, will the driverless vehicle coming up behind a stopped truck think (in software terms) that it is at a stop light and wait there for the unseen light to change?

I'm pretty sure they meant that the autonomous vehicle would pull up behind the truck, have to assume that it is stopped because it is in a line at a traffic light, and wait until the truck ahead moves. In that context, I think it's a good example.