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comment by War

    Can I be honest? I'm gonna be honest here. I will fully admit that I intentionally glossed over those particular titles. All three of those cartoons seem really and uncomfortably weird to me and I didn't want to hurt your feelings or feel like I was snubbing your suggestions.

I'm gonna say this you are missing out on some seriously great writing, and doing yourself a huge disservice not watching any of those. I can understand the hesitation with something like madoka because visually it is uncomfortable (I think for good reason). Psycho pass is gritty though and makes quite a few political statements and paints a very interesting design of the future. I just hope at the end you don't make any really conclusions about anime without exploring its deeper side as an art form.

Unrelated, I don't know if I suggested it before, but Akira is a short watch, but really good.