What cognitive dissonance? Maybe you aren't talking about me? Hillary is the only person who is facing any trouble in reference to this particular "felony" out of the probably hundreds of thousands who have committed the same infraction. The same thing happened to a few Bush officials back in the day for the same exact same "crimes." If the opposing party of the president held a significant majority in congress and had a solid impeachable offense they would get a piece. If Hilary went down for the this there would be a necessary blood bath of other officials who are doing the same thing all the time. We're talking both sides of the aisle, ambassadors, generals, joint chiefs, cabinet heads and more. The real crime here is that the IT tools government officials have to perform their necessary work suck sweaty dog balls, everyone knows it and incentivises people to ignore the rules all across the government. I don't think Trump is any more likely to commit an impeachable offense than any other president. I think there is a good chance he would say a bunch of stupid shit. All the whiny, going to leave the country, he is the same as Hitler, he'll surly get impeached liberal bullshit annoys me to no end.