Hello! I hope that you will find this place to your liking :D. I do like the song you wrote, although it might go a bit weird in my head. Since I have no idea about guitar notation, does this: sound even remotely close? Regarding copyright laws… I don't know much on the subject, I will delete the file if you don't want to allow using it or like my attempt. edit: After listening to it I have to say that I don't know why it crackles so much. Sorry about that, I can replay it after exam if you would like to hear it in better quality.
Wow! I hadn't expected this kind of response. That is awesome :-) I'll have to record it and put it up for everyone to share. That sounds like a song you'd expect to hear in a Darren Arenofski movie or other similar directors. You are more than welcome to use anything. Just so long as there is a credit to me somewhere- (not financial) -just a shout out. Thanks!
I'm glad that you liked it :D. Since it's Hubski's Original Music Club I'll just put it out like that: if you would like to use my piano track or wished me to record my part for your track I could give it a try. There are a lot of people here who contribute with singing or various instruments.
My internet connection is giving me issues and basically being an out right jerk. I'll get a track up as soon as soundcloud and the router allow me. (Band camp failed me---it barely got past 2% before the signal crashed or whatever it does.) I other news, I read your profile description and I must say, you sir are a badass in the best way. Keep the minds open and the lessons flowing!
No need to hurry, but I'll keep my anticipation on the 'high' setting while it uploads :D. I actually have some similar connectivity problems with YouTube from time to time. As of badassery… thanks? This throws me in the loop since on one hand I don't get that while on the other don't want to be gauche and ask 'why?'. I'll assume that whatever it is, you have similar mindset and we are going to have some good discussions together :D. If you would like to join-in on some more interactive talk, feel free to get on Hubski IRC channel. I'm always there, if I don't sleep or have to seriously focus on some task I'm likely to answer in maximum an hour.
Well, I toiled with soundcloud and got mad at it. Then I saw the idea of youtube, so I hit up my native movie maker app with a blank photo and added the audio track. Voila! Success! It was a one take/first take recording on my phone, so please pardon the quality and the chord i missed. Also, that's exactly what I meant! Similar thoughts on similar subject matter. (I have a bad habit of throwing people off, because I'm often out somewhere in left field so-to-speak) Feel free to add to this if you'd like. I'd love to see what it could become!
I've had listened to it a few times and I do like it, even though it was so very different in my head. Seriously, I have interpreted your guitar notation as B♭ major and A G E C2 -> A G E C3 base accord which is maybe a bit too much ;). Although if you don't mind it being so somber I can continue it as in the above sample. As of world/political views, I'm a really boring person to talk to about it. My default state that I try to maintain is "be excellent to each other" and it takes something major (as in "Deny Holocaust" major) in either life or discussion to change it. I doubt we will have any problems. :)
That sounds good to me. I had a friend once that played bass for me in a style that was very much progressive metal. I could call mine acoustic rock at best, I suppose. It was amazing when we combined the two genres into what I would call groove rock lol I'd love to hear what it can become!