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comment by steve

This post..... makes me so happy. Thanks for the write up.. and so weird that I was in Laguna like... a day before you.

For a short time while at university, I worked for these guys. Don't get me wrong, they make a helluva nice sounding speaker, and I learned a bunch while working there... but they suffer from some serious crazy. Because, you know, if you're going to spend $250,000 on a pair of speakers, you have to spend at least as much on a pair of monoblocks, and like $30k on cables.

They did all kinds of things to convince themselves their speakers are worth the price of admission. They'd build the cabinets out of weird things like Corian. They'd get high end drivers and then glue an extra magnet on the back. When we were finished building and testing the crossovers, we'd fill them in with "potting solution" which was some kind of hardening resin/epoxy (you know - to keep the spies out).

I love some good audio... but my 1993 Pioneer and Infinity reference speakers using radioshack copper are JUST fine.

LazarusRevives  ·  3160 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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kleinbl00  ·  3160 days ago  ·  link  ·  

When in doubt, make it proprietary.

I've used potting compound once in my life - we had some electronics on a controller on one of our electric cars that whined. But I've seen potting compounds several times in my life - by tiny electronics manufacturers who think they're the shit.