$700m. That's actually pretty much a kick in the nuts to the whole startup world, because BAM one of their "unicorns" is no longer a unicorn. The transaction is part of a push by Unilever to claim more of the natural section of supermarket aisles. Pesky Whipper-Snappers have increasingly sought out upstart brands that are seen as being environmentally friendly, putting pressure on some traditional wares. Unilever considers Seventh Generation a “purpose-driven brand,” akin to its Ben & Jerry’s and Dove products.
Just talking to the wind here . . . I don't know what Unicorn means, but $700m sounds like both a steal and a big investment. A lot of that probably has to be for name brand recognition, because I bet for $700m they could just develop their own products. Then again, you did say elsewhere in this thread that buying out the competition is a good way to spend your money as a company, so that might be a part of the price tag too.