And how come the audio is less than 3min when it take 2h to read those usual long kleinbloo's post!! Disappointed!Work hard, be nice..
that's a shitty message. Like, working hard did ever paid (compares to capital revenue in a financial sense, or being fulfilling in an emotional sense ). Like, being not nice was even an option. Disappointed
"I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and found that life was duty. I acted and behold, the duty was joy."
"In the end, Sisyphe come to appreciate pushing its rock" -Camus (paraphrased) It's still not very fulfilling to go hard at pushing a rock, but hey, as long as we find joy in it ... I guess But I'm the hubski token french commentator, so I have a duty to go hard at reminding how lazy and strikes-lover we are
Life is a bowl of bagel-dogs, but there are unpleasanties. Les Claypool
It is a shitty message. But it must have rung true for him in some way. So it's a good message. I'm afraid that's how it goes. I feel like a piece of advice can just fall totally flat or it can resonate with you and spur you on to do something, I wish I knew how that worked...