Got to agree with everything he said here, flac, it's really beautiful and deserves more thumbs-up on Youtube. Can I marry your voice? TNG: Why is there so many talented musicians on Hubski? Did y'all originally promote the site on music boards or something. Does everybody else sing semi-professionally and I'm literally the exception and if so ... can you teach me?
I'm not sure why there are so many artists on hubski. I suppose it might have to do with the fact that mk and I are both artists and perhaps, as such, we seeded the community with the like. But perhaps, when you create a site dedicated to thoughtful discussion it tends to attract some for people who, perhaps, tend to be artists. Perhaps.
Thank you for saying so. You're a part of it! It's not the place, it's the people. We just gave the snow ball a nudge, it gained it's own momentum and picked up people along the way. Some great people have walked these halls. Some have stayed throughout, others come and go and some have outright left for good. There have been great moments. Sad moments. I always think of littlebirdie as one of the saddest moments in Hubski history. She was a phenomenal addition to the community. A beautiful writer/poet and a kind soul. She got doxed by a bunch of redditors for spending time on Hubski. It was awful. I felt awful for her. I hope that some day she will return. Hubski is a much mellower place these days. I digress. Glad you're here Cedar. You're awesome. Thanks for the compliments and the trip down memory lane.