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comment by blackbootz
blackbootz  ·  2846 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: April 12, 2017

Thank you all for the encouraging words last Pubski. I'm sincerely grateful to all the love that welled around me. It's been a remarkable turnaround in just seven days. Got a slew of A+s and an A on all my midterms last week. I spoke again with my ex after her and I broke things off and it was a supremely amicable and agreeable conversation. I know how to pick 'em.

The house that I'm buying had a small snafu with documentation, so we postponed settlement to April 21. Everything's been resolved so now it's time for take two. I won't have much money for furnishings after settlement but that's OK because my best friend decided to room up with me. I'm getting more excited by the day. I'm drafting a lease for him and it's a little awkward but I know it's the best course of action.

I got a coffee with my name on it. Here's to you, you beautiful kids.

lil  ·  2846 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I'm drafting a lease for him and it's a little awkward but I know it's the best course of action.
Yes, it is awkward, but also a good way to open a bigger converso, so do it. Then store it somewhere findable. Also offer to revisit it in three months after you've actually lived together a bit. You will discover you have different noise tolerances, different scheduling priorities, different mess tolerances. Word definitions will have changed.

Example: I made an agreement with husband #2 that he would pay for everything. All I had do was be "a ray of light shining in a dark place." He kept his part of the agreement, but I couldn't keep mine. I didn't know at the time that some darkness won't let the light in.

If we were to renegotiate, I'd be more specific. Fortunately, that train (renegotiation) has left the station.

blackbootz  ·  2846 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thankfully the friend is incredibly responsible.

    Also offer to revisit it in three months after you've actually lived together a bit.

This is a good idea. I will say exactly this when I see him next. The lease comes in at three pages, there's language on common space cleanliness, terminating the lease early, quiet hours & guests, and payment procedures. I feel good. Having done property management as a side job, not to mention watching my parents both be landlords my whole life, this comes relatively easy to me.