Example: I made an agreement with husband #2 that he would pay for everything. All I had do was be "a ray of light shining in a dark place." He kept his part of the agreement, but I couldn't keep mine. I didn't know at the time that some darkness won't let the light in. If we were to renegotiate, I'd be more specific. Fortunately, that train (renegotiation) has left the station.I'm drafting a lease for him and it's a little awkward but I know it's the best course of action.
Yes, it is awkward, but also a good way to open a bigger converso, so do it. Then store it somewhere findable. Also offer to revisit it in three months after you've actually lived together a bit. You will discover you have different noise tolerances, different scheduling priorities, different mess tolerances. Word definitions will have changed.
Thankfully the friend is incredibly responsible. This is a good idea. I will say exactly this when I see him next. The lease comes in at three pages, there's language on common space cleanliness, terminating the lease early, quiet hours & guests, and payment procedures. I feel good. Having done property management as a side job, not to mention watching my parents both be landlords my whole life, this comes relatively easy to me.Also offer to revisit it in three months after you've actually lived together a bit.