The amount of willfully obtuse white people in here is staggering. Did anyone engage with the secondary sources the author provided? Or would we rather be upset that maybe some of the things we take for granted might be at the expense of marginalized groups? Jeez laweez...
Did you read the article this author is responding to (and refused to link, ironically increasing its search engine optimization from anyone seeking it out)? What were your thoughts on it?
Considering you keep feeling the fucking need to bring this website that I had forgotten about until two weeks ago up, yeah I guess not. YA GOT ME. If I can save someone else from "we're TOTALLY not Reddit except when it comes to issues on race then we're Reddit-lite" I will, but I won't be sticking around. Also, Rachel Dolezal is a snake, you fucking idiot. I figured defending Elvis (who I'll add I don't think is that bad) would top the list of whiny, victimy shit I saw in this thread but holy god damn on a platter, what she did is literally something your pale ass will never understand