Position 5: This is above you. "Eight of Pentacles" This position reflects your goal, aspiration or best outcome with regards to the situation. It is what you are working towards consciously. The spider who has spread its web across this card has been carefully and skillfully working away. I guess you have been steadily working away at your projects and business. The pentacles represent stuff, money, gain, success. so that's what you're working on. Position 6: This is beneath you: "Mother of Wands" A snake is curled protectively around a nest of eggs. Some say this position represents the subconscious motivations and influences in the matter or deeper less accessible motivations. Maybe what is driving you. What is the snake to you? A fierce mother protecting her eggs? Eggs -- birth, newness, gestation, fragility. Wands, as I say elsewhere represent creativity and imagination. This wand is lying across the snake. You will be very careful with your creations. All of them.
Position 1. This card covers you: The Lovers -- your desires for connection with others, your sense of responsibility for others, your appreciation of the moment create the environment that you move in. Position 2. This card crosses you: Ace of Wands -- forces that are crossing you or moving against you are the egoism and solitariness of aces. Wands also represent creativity and imagination. And this wand is flowering with energy and ambition. In this position, it means those are things to watch out for "the brilliant flash of inspiration that will lead us anywhere" Shall I continue? Yes, there will be more later...
Position 3: This card is before you: Nine of Pentacles. In this position, these are the influences that brought you to this moment. but I want to talk about Position 4: The card comes after you: Wheel of Fortune. This card, and the upside down Ace of Pentacles in the 10th position are cards about the future. Position 4 is the future if you continue on in the direction you are going. Position 10 is the possible future if you follow a new path.
Position 4, continued The Wheel of Fortune. If you put all the cards of the major arcana into a circle, The Wheel of Fortune is at the top. The wheel of fortune is a symbol of change. When you feel like you're at the top of the world, the wheel spins and you find yourself at the bottom. In Position 4 -- what is ahead -- this is what will happen if you continue on the road you're on. But what to do? Let's find out... shortly
OK, to answer your question Position 10: The Ace of Pentacles. This card suggests that we will keep going We may get cut down, but like the tree stump in this card, it is still alive with new branches growing from it. We don't know what has become of the old tree? All that remains are its many rings - it was old, but not wise enough to sustain itself. The glow in the centre of the stump keeps it alive leading to the new growth. Stay grounded, leave the light on in your heart.
My favorite Steven Wright joke is "Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died."
7 cups ascendent in Sagittarius is fantastic, depending on where Mercury was when you drew these cards.
Along the right side: Position 7: This is you, perhaps your attitude or approach. (10 of Cups) Cups represents emotions. In this picture, the cups are sending and receiving rainbows of light. An attitude of openness, generosity, and gratitude perhaps. Position 8: This is your house, or environment, or people, energies or events which will affect the outcome. (Strength) That's a pretty gorgeous card to have in this position: a lion with a rose in its mouth. When the wheel turns in the near future, we leave the wide roads of success and begin a more difficult climb, often into deeper more thoughtful places. Strength often represents the strength we need to head in a new direction. In this position, the card is suggesting that you are surrounded by both fortitude and gentleness. Don't forget to bring these attributes with you on the next stages of the journey. Position 9: This is your hopes and fears. (the Magician) Notice the cat has with her the four tools (weapons?) of consciousness: a cup-emotions; a wand-creativity, ideas, intuition; a sword-actions; and a pentangle-representing concrete things and concrete thoughts. We can use those things wisely for the best outcomes (hopes). We can use those things to head down a path of dissatisfaction, greed, anger, and agitation (fears). Position 10: This is the future (Ace of Pentacles, reversed). To be continued.