Position 5: This is above you. "Eight of Pentacles" This position reflects your goal, aspiration or best outcome with regards to the situation. It is what you are working towards consciously. The spider who has spread its web across this card has been carefully and skillfully working away. I guess you have been steadily working away at your projects and business. The pentacles represent stuff, money, gain, success. so that's what you're working on. Position 6: This is beneath you: "Mother of Wands" A snake is curled protectively around a nest of eggs. Some say this position represents the subconscious motivations and influences in the matter or deeper less accessible motivations. Maybe what is driving you. What is the snake to you? A fierce mother protecting her eggs? Eggs -- birth, newness, gestation, fragility. Wands, as I say elsewhere represent creativity and imagination. This wand is lying across the snake. You will be very careful with your creations. All of them.