It's 02:45 here, so it is most definitely 2018. I've had a great start to the year already and I wish you all the same!
I think I made some new friends! Like in the physical world! And I don't mean "bar strangers I talked to because we were all drunk who I'll never see or talk to again," I mean, two friends of a pre-existing friend with whom I got along famously all evening! Who live in my town and are in my age range and have professional jobs and could really become friends to me! It's hard widening your social circle after college, guys, and what I've found is it mostly requires going to parties where you don't know anyone. Be brave, little rabbit.
How does one even get invited to parties where they don't know anyone?
I knew the hostess, and (kind of/only by knowing her) her boyfriend, but that was it. You do kind of have to know the host. More accurately, what I'd recommend is going to multiple parties hosted by the same person (despite not knowing/expecting to know anyone there). This is the second time I've gone to one of her parties despite - eek! - really not knowing anyone else there at all. It turned out 2 of the guests had been at the last party I went to, too, and everyone had been a sea of faces then so I didn't really remember them but it helped make an easier rapport. And by the end of the evening, we were all really clicking. So I guess, stick with it. I was really surprised.
Ah. Parties for me go one of three ways at this point, really. 1. I know the host(ess) and the majority of the people at the party. 2. I host the party. 3. I'm not at the party (as in, not invited/not in a situation like what you describe above). Not quite sure how to bridge that gap.
I met this friend through my sister, actually, and she was my sister's friend first. So I guess I would suggest going another rung further out in your social circle. You know, instead of hanging out with friends, hang out with friends of friends and kind of brachiating from there. It does sound like it's kind of a closed group though which is unfortunate. Can you develop new sets of friends via, for instance, work?
Work is a poor example but I get exactly where you're coming from. Most of co-workers are married/older/generally not people I want to see outside of work. Brachiating is a good visual.Can you develop new sets of friends via, for instance, work?
The new year ticked over whilst I was doing some JavaScript tutorials, because I'm just that god damn radical. Yeah yeah yeah, everyone else was 'having fun' and 'socialising' and 'doing the worm', but who's the one who knows all about event listeners now? Me, baby, me.
Hi johnnyFive and rezzeJ and of course veen - all of you out in your time zones, although I think I'm in the same place as j5. Sorry veen, I haven't posted any new year's meditations and reflections. I went on hubski tonight because I was thinking of donating some $$ and I noticed that the little orange bar in the top right corner has filled up. AWESOME!! maybe there's a recent post where everyone decided to put in $5. I have been travelling so haven't checked in for a few days. Yes, I just got back from Times Square, NYC. I left Manhattan around 1:00 p.m. and headed to EWR, got an earlier seat on my flight to Toronto. Landed in YTZ around 6:00, a shuttle, a bus, and some walking and I'm back home. It's so cold in Canada that the Calgary Zoo have brought their PENGUINS in. While I was walking from 37th and Park to Penn Station earlier, barriers were going up, streets were closing, and security was ramping up. I tuned in briefly to the live stream from Times Square and the reportage was spectacularly boring (to me), but I imagine it would be fun to be there freezing. There's a live feed from the Key West new year's eve party. Entertainer Sushi has climbed into a giant shoe high up on a balcony. At midnight the shoe drops.
Hey, sorry I missed you on IRC...I had originally thought my wife was going to bed, but we decided to stay up to watch Best of the Worst instead. Have a happy near year!
Still a couple hours to go here in my time zone, so greetings from the past. We took our daughter and a couple friends to the light show at the local botanical was cold, but the (spiked) hot chocolate we smuggled in definitely helped. My wife was in Charleston, SC for a couple days, only coming back in town about 3-4 hours ago. She's off putting the kid to bed. Meanwhile, I'm here, sitting on IRC, playing Dwarf Fortress, watching Best of the Worst, and futzing around with GitLab. Also debating putting LineageOS on my phone. Last New Year's we also did the garden, and then my wife and mother-in-law drank too much (my wife had probably the worst hangover I've ever seen her have the next day). I had something like half a bottle of whiskey and played Killing Floor. The year before, we were drunk at a concert venue in Charleston. I'm superstitious enough to hope that maybe a low-key New Year's will lead to a low-key year. But honestly this is where I'm at right now anyway. I feel like I could use a year-long vacation.
Updated to add: my brother got engaged a couple hours ago.
We're letting the kid stay up until 9 because my wife wanted her to see the ball drop. Of course, everything is delayed so we won't, which means we're watching the Earthcam stream of Times Square which is delightfully surreal. It's kind of the way I like to enjoy New Year's - at a healthy remove.
Started my year letting go of things that I don't hold onto. People the social network awkwardly calls "friends", music I don't like, games I don't play... They say minimalism is the economy of attention. P.S. "This shops works from X AM to Y PM. Russian New Year might affect these hours". Cheers, Google.
Happy New Year! I'm off to bed at 10:15. I'm doing a five mile race in the morning, my third year doing this run. The forecast is for -5 °F at the race start with "feels like" of -21 °F. Hooray!