For an outsider: what does it mean for the country, for the government and for the people?
This is just as far as the DoD, but the biggest impact that I've seen so far is that civilian federal employees, of which just in the DoD there are more than 700,000, are no longer employed until the budget is passed. The implications of that take on all shapes and sizes of administrative fuckery, but military still come to work without pay in the meantime and will receive back-pay later on. The budget will eventually get passed but in the meantime, systems that rely on a slice of the federal budget just don't get receive their slice until Congress gets their shit in order.
Damn. That's bad. Do government jobs pay well in the US? I hope the temporarily-laid-off have enough in the back pocket to last through this nonsense. If anyone's gonna reply to ThurberMingus' question, tag me as well: I want to know the question, too
The benefits provided through federal employment make for a misleading salary. In the army a newly commissioned officer makes 30-40k but gets a number of allowances for housing, etc. not to include healthcare, which can rack up past 60k.
On average, they pay better the lower your education level is.
What? The graph in the article you cited doesnt reflect that, neither does your claim in general make sense.
i think they mean "pay better in relation to what you would be getting in the private sector, given your education level" - notice that the gap between government and private salaries is large and positive on the low end of education, whereas that totally switches towards the high end
I jumped on the bad writing without attempting to discern what he meant, my bad. That makes a little more sense.
I assume essential civilian roles are treated the same as the military, but not essential govt employees (like my dad at the EPA) are sent home with no pay until it is funded again. In the past they have also received back party.
FirebrandRoaring Yep, more or less the same deal. I've had various family members in essential roles during other shutdowns. Work now, back pay later.
Are we talking "month"-singular or -plural later?