I believe it was started by thenewgreen! I certainly took them as recommendations, especially out of respect for tng, but I think it just turned out to be one of many music tags like #vibesandjives, and #hiphophubski when there was a decent hip-hop head community here. Not to mention all the tags that I rarely took part in that involved hubski coming together to make original music! Lots of neat history in tags now that I think about it lol
Yeah, nowaypablo is right, I started it. Originally, they were songs that I had hoped that hubskiers of nwp's generation would listen to. I used pabs as sort of a poster boy for all the younger, kick ass hubskiers here. You know... it could have been called songsforgalens but I went with pabs. Both would have been apropos. A TAG I MISS is #higgsy