I was recently in Vegas and somehow this song came up and I immediately downloaded it and we all sat around drinking whiskey and listening. Several weeks later I was back home, sober and running with my iPod on shuffle when all of a sudden the theme song for the Garry Shandling show came on. I had forgotten all about it. It was an awesome moment.
It's easily my favorite TV theme song. What's yours?
Excellent call mk. Watching the muppet show was an event in my house growing up.
First thing I thought of was Firefly, so I'll go with that. It just set the tone of the show so well.
wow, I haven't heard that in a long time. I always enjoyed that intro and didn't even skip over it while watching the series. That's the mark of a good theme song, when you don't FF.
This one brings back the memories - Twin Peaks
I used to watch that show with my good friend and we would eat pie, drink coffee and smoke cigarettes while we watched. It was a great TV experience. If anyone reading this hasn't watched Twin Peaks before.... DO. Angelo Badilamenti's theme for the series might as well be a character. Great stuff.
The X-Men theme and the Magnum PI theme are good.
The X-men one is awesome, agreed. Reminded me of this one (Teen Titans) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWaWvQuIVMI
I'm not that familiar with the X-Men theme but the Magnum PI theme is fantastic. Immediately I think of helicopters, hawaii, and of course "Higgins". As a kid I liked that Magnum always wore a Detroit Tigers hat.
The Patty Duke Show Also just practicing linking text to URL. I hope it works.
It worked! Also, I started reading your book. Great concept, with some really neat insights in to snippets of lives/times. I look forward to reading more!
I think we have a winner. Forgot all about Belvedere, I loved that show when I was a kid. Great theme song! Whatever happened to Bob Uecker?
Bosom Buddies and all of its 1980's Billie Joel-ness. Or Greatest American Hero.
Good calls, thanks for the reminiscing. Haven't thought about Bosom Buddies in a really long time. The Greatest American Hero was my favorite show as a kid. I used to get really excited to watch that. Two great theme songs.