Your hear so much about the Republican Party being the party of racial oppression and being unfavorable to blacks. The truth is exactly the opposite. I heard Joy Behar, from The View, state, "Nobody has done more harm to civil rights than the Republican Party". I feel like asking her, " Ok Joy, who issued the first anti-slavery proclamation"? "Who made the civil rights act of 1965 become law?" "Who supported integration of public schools"? Like many, Joy is uninformed, ignorant, and "talking points informed" people, they repeat non-factual, fallacious, and misleading "talking points" propagated by the propaganda machine of anti-Republican factions in our nation. Too bad!!!!
Here is a factual account from a professor at Vanderbilt University.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by a Democratic house, a Democratic Senate and signed by a Democratic president, which caused George Wallace to run as an Independent, which cost the Democrats the South, which made Nixon president. Historical truths are valuable. Contemporary truths are generally more relevant. The contemporary truth is that the Democrats don't sponsor voter ID laws.
If it wasn't for the Republicans it would never have passed. You only tell half the story here. More Democrats voted against it than Republicans. Bt just in case anybody is reading, here is the actual count by House and Senate. So, my point isn't Southern or Northern (remember more Northern Congressional delegates voted AGAINST the 14th amendment. Which party supported the 14th Amendment? The 14th Amendment, which gave citizenship to freed slaves. 94% of Republicans supported this while no Democrats did. The 15th Amendment, which gave the right to vote to all native born had 100% of Republican support and no Democrat.Sep 3, 2016
As per usual, I'm genuinely confused when it comes to the US politics. The way I understood this tally (source): Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%) Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%) Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%) Northern Democrats gave 94% 'yey' (in favour) for the bill to pass while 100% Southern Republicans (all 10 of them) voted 'ney' (against) and more Southern than Northen people voted against (87 + 10 = 97 > 9 + 24 = 33). It's about the same for the 'Senate version'. Doesn't it mean the opposite of what you wrote?94% of Republicans supported this while no Democrats did. The 15th Amendment, which gave the right to vote to all native born had 100% of Republican support and no Democrat.Sep 3, 2016
Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Yeah. Southern, segregationist Democrats. Who left the party as a consequence. Thereby sweeping Nixon into power and costing Democrats the South forevermore. Because Southerners would rather be Republican than vote Party affiliation. That's the whole story.
I read his bio on his profile and I'm not sure he knows what a troll is. I'd bet he thinks he's sharing startling, esoteric information with some poor unfortunates. He's like our own Jehovah's Witness knocking on the door to tell us stuff he thinks we don't know. Except antagonistic and spreading the good news about the republican party
Oh, racism exists and is found in all races to one extent or another. Not blind to it, just not sold that racism is to be found "under every rock" so to speak. Does white racism still exist? Unfortunately yes. Does black racism exist? Unfortunately yes. I could go on about every race or ethnic origin. Do a majority of any ethic group practice racism or support it - no! As for the "thoughtful conservative" comment: I am sure only liberals or progressives own the "thoughtful" space - NOT! A reading of the Federalist papers or Anti- Federalist papers would prove that "thoughtful debate or discussion" is not owned by any particular political leaning. Just because someone has a different perspective doesn't make them less contemplative. I guess if that is "galling ", then count me in. One can read of the "intolerance" practiced on many college campuses to shut down any discussion other than what "I" agree with and see where the intolerance of free and open discussion is quite evident. Oh, give me my "safe space"!
So, because she shared via You Tube Dennis's link makes all her research futile - right? I am not a follower of Dennis Prager myself. I am sure you can find the same info on numerous sites. I am sure that you are more of an expert on the history of the Democrat party than she - perhaps yes? Who founded the Democrat Party hmmm?Thomas Jefferson founded the Democratic-Republican platform, it was made more popular under Andrew Jackson who was responsible for the Cherokee "Trail of Tears" along with William T. Sherman of Civil War fame . Check that history out . But, in case you don't like that link, you can look at this one:
Dude, everybody knows Democrats used to be all about slavery. In kindergarten I befriended this kid who was getting bullied for pissinng himself like one time and basically restored my teachers faith in humanity. Doesn’t mean I couldn’t have turned into a garbage human being by like 4th grade.