This is some perilous advice. There are classes that are mostly just bullshit, best to weather the storm and learn how to regurgitate it on the test, it will help you in the working world when you need to make sure your TPS report has a cover sheet. When you get to a place of power you can get rid of the cover sheet on that TPS report. Sometimes calling out bullshit can be pretty rewarding, pick and choose. Sometimes truth really isn't as important as making a coustomer happy or getting a good grade.
Yeah, brings back some high school memories, alright. I couldn't see past this at age that age, and that's why I had to do summer school just to graduate :/ Failed lots o' classes due to avoiding lame bullshit at all costs.Sometimes truth really isn't as important as making a coustomer happy or getting a good grade.
I think that's part of the learning process. Being proper rationalists and critical thinkers requires a sharp brain and knowing when to sometimes to keep your mouth shut. But if people are being taught bullshit in a school setting, it should be called out at all times. I believe the most important part of the article is keeping your mind open to change. You could be the one full of bullshit. Accept it and face facts.