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darlinareyousleepy · 2284 days ago · link · · parent · post: What does Hubski know about Indigo children?
Images of gas output of corn! Great. I love it. Paranormal claims of Kirlian photography have not been observed or replicated in experiment by the scientific community.[31][32] The physiologist Gordon Stein has written that Kirlian photography is a hoax that has "nothing to do with health, vitality, or mood of a subject photographed."[33]
Dude Kirlian photography is dope. (1) clip electrodes to your subject (2) lay your subject out on a piece of film (3) zap the bejeesus out of your subject with high voltage (4) develop the resulting arc contacts. Bonus points to darlinareyousleepy for finding a pun in all of this.