This seems pretty enlightened. I always thought you should be able to take your grade on the final in lieu of your grade in the class.NM stands for non-mastery. AB for absent. NHI for not handed in regarding homework assignments. DNA for did not attempt,” Araujo wrote on Facebook. “These allow me to communicate to students and parents better to distinguish where the student needs help.”
Depending on the class I support this hardcore. I tested out of health class in high school this way. End of freshman year a friend and I were given the textbook to study over the summer. He studied assiduously a few times a week for three months, I glanced at the book over breakfast the morning of the exam. We both passed. We both had the necessary knowledge that we acquired at our own pacing.I always thought you should be able to take your grade on the final in lieu of your grade in the class.
I don't know how grades are done these days, as it's been a long time since I was in school and I don't have any children of my own. I think though, this information would be very useful even with traditional grading. It gives excellent feedback on what areas need attention from the students and their parents.