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comment by stimpy
stimpy  ·  4399 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "I'm calling from Windows" scammer calls ArsTechinica.

"Or sometimes I just ask em what they are wearing and see if I can get it a little steamy (this never goes anywhere)". How far would you be willing to take that though? It would be funny if the guy on the phone turned it around on you and you were the uncomfortable one.

These examples of fucking with the telemarketers are all funny and most of us have done it but lets not forget that its a really shitty job and doesn't pay dick. Also, what are you wearing?

cgod  ·  4398 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm wearing a three piece suit, the jacket is made of silk, touch it, it's soft isn't it? You're right, it is getting a little hot in here, lets take it off. You're right, this shirt doesn't fit me that well any more, I've been working out, putting on some muscle. Will you help me with this top button it hard to undo now that I'm so big. Thank you yes they are big and hard, I'm so glad you noticed, I've been working on my shoulders, but how about your shoulders? They seem tense, let me help work that out for you. You smell nice, what are your wearing? Oh very classy, most people don't even bother, don't even think about the sensualness of a man/womans smell, but I could tell right away that you did....