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user-inactivated · 1885 days ago · link · · parent · post: About 4,000 US truck drivers notified on Monday Celadon was ceasing operations, leaving them jobless and without benefits
I'm not trying to speculate, but if trucking is like retail, manufacturing, and other industries, then I can probably guess both the pay and quality of work isn't what it used to be. I was pretty surprised to read how many companies are failing and I wonder if they're mostly smaller businesses that have to contend with a ton of overhead in a really competitive market.
Or it's a 40 hour a week 4 day a week city job that comes with a pension, decent benefits, a living wage and as much overtime as you are willing to take. It takes three months of bureaucracy and the ability to pass a drug test but those jobs are there. You have to show up at 6 am sharp or you'll get fired and be willing to muck about in sewers, it isn't all that bad a deal.