I'll think on it, although I have heard that Wordpress is pretty good, as insomniasexx suggests. I'm glad to hear that you're getting attention. It is well-deserved. I find myself sharing almost every article you drop here. The web needs to get over its hangup about creators sharing content. The only question is quality, IMHO.
Thanks mk. I think I'm going to design with squarespace. I found a design that works with what I want the site to be and I don't mind financially investing into something I am trying to do professionally. I'll share the updated site when it is completed. Also, I am thinking about starting an "advanced apes" podcast. If you or "The New Green" have any advice on how to set up and distribute one I'm all ears.
Hey Cadell, regarding the podcast -I think it's a great idea. From what I've read of your work, it would lend itself well to the format. I'm not sure that I have a lot of advice since I would imagine that our styles would be very different. I see my #tngpodcast as being about sound/music as much as it is dialog, which is why I find them exciting to create. I also like the idea of having an arena to showcase hubskiers and actually hear their voice. I have a mini-recording space set up in my basement and have a lot of experience recording music but I'm definitely new at the podcast thing. It's fun though, I'm learning a lot. If you have any specific questions, let me know. As far as distribution is concerned, I have no idea. If you find a way to do this, please let me know. I've spent a TON of time creating the podcasts and have no energy left for distribution outside of Hubski. I'm all ears though. Good luck with the redesign, as I've mentioned elsewhere I am a fan of your work.