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comment by OftenBen

uhsguy  ·  1732 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Sorry you feel that way but the military is much safer for the protesters and the city than the police. Much better training and discipline. The current police and federal posturing is just making things worse. This tough talk with no action is just making everyone more agitated. Either send in the military or shut up and let this play out is what I think.

ilex  ·  1732 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You want to explain how the military is going to make this better? Because from my perspective, folks are out protesting the police's use of uncalled for force — primarily on black people — and sending in the military just escalates that further. Plus, the US military does not exactly have a stellar track record of settling complicated social unrest in other countries.

uhsguy  ·  1732 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Military vs police I think in this case the military going in is a vote of no confidence in the police. People who serve in the US are more like you and I than those that joined the police union, less us vs them. The military are won’t put up with random looting, or go break car windows, pepper spray ransoms and destroy shit like police thugs do. It’s kind of like how the military has to come in sometimes in Mexico when the gangs take over, sad that we’re there but blue gang and looting gang need to be subdued a bit.

ButterflyEffect  ·  1732 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Please define and differentiate blue gang and looting gang.

I do not get the feeling you understand anything about de-escalation. Or more likely you’ll blame escalation on blue gang.

ilex  ·  1731 days ago  ·  link  ·  

So you're thinking of a military response along the lines of the ongoing Mexican drug war, which has an estimated 115,000 casualties now? Because, to be honest, that's not the example of de-escalation I'd have hoped to have seen.

Or, if not, I'd like to know what you're thinking of when you say the military "won't put up with" the protests.