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uhsguy · 1611 days ago · link · · parent · post: They finally got them -- Trump's taxes show chronic losses and years of tax avoidance (New York Times)
Didn’t the NY ag get them? My money is someone got them out of there.
am_Unition · 1611 days ago · link ·
Yep, the NY AG is specifically investigating whether Trump inflated his assets for favorable bank loans and tax write-offs. It's not clear how long each entity has had access to the tax returns, but I would guess that the NYTimes story took at least six weeks to put together. Whether or not NYT waited to publish closer to the election is a good question, though. Obviously, the timeline is still a bit muddy, for now. Leaking the returns could be a last-ditch effort from SDNY. We know that Bill Barr's all up in their shit, no doubt in an effort to shield Trump from accountability.