So a while ago I posted Pixvae: The guitarist, Damien Cluzel, has another project called uKanDanz, this is the opening track Tchuhetén Betsèmu from their album Awo:
No idea about the equipment, but at least the overall mix lets you hear the bass clearly. It's the rhythm that strikes me more than the sound though.
Really nice to get some feedback, rather then feel I'm just screaming recommendations into the void. I've said it before, the reason I keep posting music that I get excited about is not because it's popular, because it so rarely is. It's in case someone else discovers something they love as much as I do. That's how I've latched on to music almost no-one seems to like or even know but is near the pinnacle of music and means so much to me. That's why I love these posts and other unrestricted music recommendations. It really blows apart the parameters of my narrow minded search for new music. I'm totally open to listening to any kind of music, but when it's left up to me I'll tend to focus on the same old trodden paths. I mean Kjell Höglund isn't really my cup of tea, but I would otherwise never have had a chance to listen. That's why I'm really grateful to rezzeJ for taking up the mantle of #weeklymusicthread . I was honestly worried I might have to do it :)
The music of my high school years is coming back and I literally cannot be more stoked.
This week's thread as a playlist. Liner notes: The Daisuke Tanabe tune is only available as a full EP on Youtube, but I loved it and included it at the end of the playlist, followed by Mother Earth's Plantasia. But if you for some reason don't want 22 minutes of Japanese jungle you can skip ahead to 17:01.
I could post something new, but honestly I'm still deep down in my Kjell Höglund relapse. Which means listening through all his albums several times, as well as watching and listening to every interview with him available online. The video below from 2016 will probably turn out to be his last performance. The audio is pretty crappy but it always leaves me teary-eyed.
Listened to the new Born Ruffians album and was disappointed. Listened to the new Fleet Foxes album and was not disappointed. Also, Vivaldi’s Spring as imagined by Max Richter: Is amazing.
Listening to that made me think of Plantasia: