I need to check in on the team here... I was hoping COVID wouldn't kill US Rugby. I had considered buying a season pass last year before the pandemic... fingers crossed.Rugby The Seattle Seawolves - my local pro rugby team
Where are you? The whole league is kinda crazy this year... this is really a growth year for the MLR as a league, and the scores show it. Right now we are the worst team in the league. And we beat the team that beat the best team in the league, as our only win so far this year. Scores are through the roof. The worst team for the last 3 seasons combined is in 2nd place. Every week is a crapshoot, honestly. And the games are streaming for free via The Rugby Network, and several broadcast stations are carrying games now, too. On real, old-fashioned TV!
welp... shows you how much I pay attention... https://coloradoraptors.com/news/colorado-raptors-to-withdraw-from-mlr/ alas... I'm a fan of the game, not as much of a team. Wow... well.. there's the not so great thing for an otherwise glorious week.
Hahahahah... how did you know that’s where I spent 30 minutes of my day stalking? Shoot. I’m teamless, maybe I’ll just jump on the Seawolves wagon! As a devout Lions fan, I’m no stranger to the underdog struggle. All I know is, I need more rugby in my life