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comment by TIYP
TIYP  ·  4447 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Welp - there it is...

Dear ecib, may I ask if you use alcohol, there the few that have no need to alter their mood. Smoking would likely not suit you, brownies on the other hand. it's an experience not to be missed.

It's nothing like a pack of noodle-neck teen punks blowing shotguns under the bleachers at the soccer game.

ecib  ·  4447 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yes I have. I guess having drank actually makes it less likely that I'd use weed. Besides the fact that I'm simply not curious about it from observation over the years, having imbibed alcohol in the past, I'm familiar with induced altered states of consciousness. I'm completely aware that the buzz is totally different, nevertheless, it makes me even less curious about other buzzes, if that makes any sense.

I don't even think there's anything wrong in the slightest with smoking weed, and I think it should be legalized, -I've just never had even the slightest nagging desire to try it, and if it were legal, I can't imagine that would change.

I will say this though, I'd sooner smoke a joint than ever smoke a cigarette. Talk about a terrible ROI...

stanford  ·  4447 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Brownies can pack a punch!

TIYP  ·  4447 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Smoking anything is a learned technique, anybody can eat a brownie ;)