Turned 27 on Tuesday. Had a few people over for a small BBQ and it was a good time. I have this strange reflex where I want to mark the passage of time, by travelling somewhere. I find myself thinking if I don't go anywhere this summer, it will be a wasted summer. Even if I'm enjoying and accomplishing stuff at work. Having fun little get togethers with friends. It's like without "big events" or "trips" time slips through my fingers. Because it can't be "the summer I went on a roadtrip to X" I wanted to go to the Atlantic provinces, because i've only ever been to Prince Edward Island as a 6 or 7 year old once. But then my boyfriend seems not super excited at the idea - and is still willing to do it for my sake. So now i'm starting to doubt and thinking maybe it's more of a fun trip to do with a group of friends. And researching, it seems expensive and a lot of driving, to get to someplace similar to Maine. What I TRULY wanted from that trip is get to St Johns in Newfoundland and just pure remote places out there, but it's not realistic in the timeframe we have. it's like i'm trying to decide between no trip or a lukewarm trip. Both sucky options, because what I really want is an adventure. Something I've been missing so much with Covid - pure exploration. I could probably scratch that itch with some outdoorsy stuff, but my boyfriend's not the partner for that and the planning required to get started without guidance seems overwhelming. If anyone on here has ever been to PEI, New Brunswick or Nova Scotia, i'm all ears :) Because right now google is showing me a lighthouse and a giant Lobster statue as top attractions, and i'm starting to loose my enthusiasm.
I've been up there a bunch. Maine, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia all used to be part of Massachusetts in the late 1600s, and you can feel it. Very similar places. That said, Halifax is a hoot. Nightlife is different than in the US. Bars and Pubs close kind of early, then nightclubs open and stay open very late. Lots of good music and little underground venues. Tons of history there. And the pier is cool. Some nice little restaurants and whatnot. I liked Bearly's House of Blues. Food was good too. Sprouts were amazing, which isn't something I'd normally be saying about sprouts. St. John New Brunswick is kind of boring. Moncton is a little more interesting, especially if you're interested in Acadian culture, the Dieppe side of the river still speaks it and has some cultural offerings. But New Brunswick's kinda dull, not gonna lie. There's more life and better scenery in Nova Scotia. The tides are interesting too, some of the biggest in the world. Anyways, I'm not sure what side of the border you're on. But you should know it's closed either way. So no cutting across Maine from Ontario or crossing in from the States.