Settling into school. I have a solid study group going. We all share like four classes or something like that. Still looking for a job. Not a big fan of the unemployed life. Went on a long weekend a week and a half ago to visit a friend. It was pretty nice to get out of town for a bit. Though the street preacher yelling "Where's the Jew?" was less appealing. Having finally started settling into not only school but living in the south, I have a few friends which is great. One of them I'm definitely closer to than the others. And I'm catching feelings for her which I didn't want to. We're very similar, similar hobbies, similar sense of humor, both getting our MPH so we can challenge each other mentally too. We mesh really well. The first time we hung out outside of class we went to get lunch, and we ended up sitting on my balcony after for the rest of the night. And every time we hang out it goes like that -- way longer than planned. This past Saturday, she came over and we spent all day baking and doing homework. We went out to dinner after and came back to my place to watch TV. Then she laid down in my lap and we cuddled for a few hours while perusing Zillow. The next day I asked her what the deal was and she said just friends. We're still texting way too much. Last night we sent duck gifs to each other all night. It's really messing with me. 2021 Ig Nobel winners were announced. While exploring their website, I noticed a typo on a random page. I emailed them to let them know, and they offered a free journal as thanks. It's absolutely incredible and there's a real chance I subscribe now. Always enjoyed those awards and the journals they throw together are just masses of absurd research through history for a single topic. It's probably a good idea to give them some support.
Make a move, dude. Trust me on this. "No, no, we're just friends" is archaic girldate speak for "I can tell you're nervous and threatened and yes, I will give you more time to shit or get off the pot in hopes that you'll make the right choice." If I could go back in time and tell myself this at your age my experience would have been much more interesting.
Just had a stage three interview for an entry-level financial planning job. Got the call with the job offer. I got the job, but compensation was lower than I expected. Asked for $2,500 more and hit send, afterwards I immediately noticed a math mistake on my part in the justification. Beating myself up about it. I’m trying to learn how to be less hard on myself. Anyway, if the counteroffer is accepted I’ll be making $50k at a local firm. Not bad for me in Kansas City being in my 20s. I’m excited for the opportunity. 45h per week, opportunity for advancement, no cold calling.
Congrats!!! Always a good idea to be your own advocate in negotiations. And a good reason presented to you to keep learning!
The past week has been f'n all over the place. Busy as hell, stressed out, finding a moment of peace, then stressed again. Spending a day with family, then finding out grandpa is on death's door. Covid scare, presentation stress. Highs and lows. I'm holding on but barely.
Welp. I'm still kinda-sorta sick. I think this makes it three weeks now? Weird thing is, literally everyone I know - except my parents - are sick with the same symptoms. Negative Covid test. Dry cough. Congestion. Poor sleep. Kinda like a head cold that just sticks around. For EVER. Five of my neighbors. Eight of my coworkers who have not been into the office in close to 2 years, and live in different states. Dozens of friends online, both here in Seattle, and internationally. (UK and EU, mostly.) Really tired of this shit. In unrelated news, it started raining here in Seattle. First time in ... months? My dog failed to wake me up last night to go outside, and shit and pissed on the floor in the rec room... which is where my office is. So I woke up to a shit-smelling house, after missing my alarm and going straight into three back-to-back hour-long meetings. Dog feels terrible about this. I'm just fucking done with little annoying shit, this week. And it's only Wednesday. Fuck.
I might make an Ask Hubski for this. We don't really do Ask Hubski as much anymore. I recently watched an incredible film about Marc-Andre Leclerc, one of the stars who burned brightest and flamed out quickest, in the alpinist community. If you have a chance to watch The Alpinist, I highly, highly recommend it. A deeply personal look at somebody who never had interest being on camera, who died at 25 having solo'd high-alpine routes which nobody had done before, and he left an impression on people he met and didn't meet. One of the biggest questions I have been asking myself coming out of the film is something asked towards the end of the film: "What is that you could do if you could overcome the things you see as limitations? Or that things that you're afraid of? What would you do?". ...I might go do some mild soloing on 4th class terrain this weekend. Wouldn't be the first time, wont the last time.
Howdy. Was trying really hard to keep my social internet confined to a couple of discord servers, but sometimes you just need a threading comment system in your life, ya know? The main thing going on here right now is that we somehow threaded the needle and bought a house with modest means during the pandemic. Shit is wild out there. The experience was pretty demoralizing as the price floor slowly floated up to our purchasing level. The plan had been to buy a small home in a nearby town of 10K with a detached shop. There were loads of these in our price range when we realized we were in a position to buy a home. But as the process progressed and prices went up month after month we ended up in a town half that size with no outbuildings. From a day to day perspective this town is fine. But I've been trying to get into woodworking with hand tools and not having a dedicated space for that is frustrating. The plan right now is to build a low roman style workbench and drag it outside when in use. The mosquitos are all for this, but addressing a few of the drainage issues on the lot was pretty simple and hopefully their population will drop down. Otherwise, I'm mostly trying to beat back my inner misanthrope. Been a wild five years to live in a red state.
Diving into a new painting. Working on a project that I am excited to share with everyone. A few more weeks. I am hoping for a vaccine for our daughter and boosters for us by November. Then I am going out. I want to get covid when my immunity is high. I'm sick of this shit. Hoping for hybrid immunity.