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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  4317 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski the next reddit?

Like a few of the others here, this is the post that brought me to Hubski. I've haven't "left" reddit, but I like the content and style here compared to something like /r/truereddit.

Lastly, I'd like to say sorry if your site becomes overrun with a migration of redditors. From what I've seen on reddit, size can really affect the quality of popular content.

boqeh  ·  4317 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think for now, the only people who would migrate from Reddit (like you and I) are those who are actively searching for an alternative. Many like to complain about the quality, but continue browsing Reddit as they have been. It's like the rat in the maze, except in this case the rat can't find its way out.

sounds_sound  ·  4317 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Hi lunboks, boqeh, CortezVee, joekam, desolateone. Welcome. You are now officially my fellow hubbies :) The question of Reddit's declining quality is a discussion that pops up occasionally on Hubski. Here is one that comes to mind. I'm one of the few that was introduced to aggregators through Hubski itself and have since learned about Reddit so I'm a bit of rare bird. IMHO, Hubski seems to benefit from a world already filled with trolls (like on Reddit). We are aware of them and know their game. There have been a few roll through these halls, but they've gone by without much of a splash because I think people here know to not feed them. And for sure, being a smallish community helps with the cause too. But I'd like to think that, for now, if the content can remain respectable then it will cast a wider net of goodness. Shit that sounds optimistic doesn't it? For my money though, the best tool in the Hubski arsenal is the ignore user feature. I have a feeling that as the site grows it'll be widely incorporated among users.

postfish  ·  4317 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I hope hubski doesn't go from navel-gazing to straight self-hatred the way reddit does. There seems to be regular coordinated efforts to hit big redditsubs and ask "Why does reddit suck so hard now and why is it not like _SiteX_ ?"

sounds_sound  ·  4316 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Right right. I guess the grass being greener is what makes us human. But we aren't there yet. I'd hate to break up before we even have a slow dance. Besides, I haven't shown anyone here a picture of my junk yet....

OmnomoBoreos  ·  4317 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I would also like to be a hubbie. I joined looking for the similar things being a long time redditor for over 6 years, the site just seems like it's been going downhill. Even though they do have points about the smaller reddits, the format of hubski, following people and topics to build your front page as opposed to subscribing to other reddits is a way more intuitive system of getting to the content that you wish to see.

sounds_sound  ·  4316 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    following people and topics to build your front page as opposed to subscribing to other reddits is a way more intuitive system of getting to the content that you wish to see.

I would tend to agree with that. For me, I try to think of it in terms of how I interact with people physically. The things I do, for the most part, are based around the friends that I have. I do things because they do things. Which is to say, I follow them. But there are times that I go to an event, like a concert for example, where I'm am among strangers because we have a similar singular interest. And that's totally valid as well. Ultimately though, the brilliance of Hubski is that it breaks down connections to the individual and NOT the group. It is not a common denominator, but rather something that is greater than the sum of it's parts.

wildptr  ·  4316 days ago  ·  link  ·  

We need to have an optimal mass in which there is enough people to maintain a constant stream of quality content, but not too big to the point of catering to the common user--one who consumes content of mediocre quality. To do this we need people who have good content to share and are looking for a site that is like Reddit in the old days. An exodus would surely ruin this. Hopefully it is avoidable.