I feel that death is something that should be left unknown for the individual. So, no I wouldn't want to know it and not for any philosophical reason I just wouldn't know how to react to it, I feel the stress that would come from me knowing about it would eventually lead me into that scenario in which I die.
You don't think there is any chance that you knowing when and how you would die could serve as the catalyst for a positive change in your life? Perhaps a more meaningful use of the time you have left? -By the way I am definitely projecting here as I know there are a number of things I would likely change. Why don't I just change them then? Easier said than done, but when you are staring down the barrel of a specific date and time when death will fire at you, you may act differently. Perhaps Twain is right "The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time."I feel the stress that would come from me knowing about it would eventually lead me into that scenario in which I die.
That sounds like an amazing concept for a film.